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Chizhou Huayu electronic packaging and testing product specifications quick overview

Chizhou Huayu sealing and testing ability Chizhou Huayu Electronics has mass-produced as many as 120 kinds of packaging varieties, more than 30 kinds of finished product test solutions, in 2022, the company will add three-temperature Prober: TSK UF3000EX-e automatic wafer probe station, three-temperature Handler: HT-1028C test sorting machine, 3D Vision inspection appearance inspection machine and S100, 3380, STS8200, NI STS T4, J750HD and other ATE equipment, With automotive-grade product packaging and testing capabilities, we provide our customers with diverse, fast

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一元复始,万象更新,千帆过尽,向“芯”而行,回首2022,意义非凡,展望2023,充满希望。 1月9日上午,华宇集团2022年经营分析暨2023年经营计划大会如期召开。会议设池州华宇电子主会场与深圳宝安、深圳福保、无锡、合肥四个分会场。集团董事长、各子公司负责人、高管及员工代表60余人参加了会议。会议由集团董事长彭勇主持。 会上,各子公司负责人依次对2022年的工作经营以及2023年的发展方向做了深层次的分析与汇报,表示未来我们要更加切实的服务好现有客户,紧跟市场动向,向高端市场迈进,要在汽车电子芯片上领域开疆扩土,挖掘更多优质客户。 董事长彭勇就汇报内容做了充分的肯定,并给予高度的认可。他表示过去的一年,是华宇创业发展以来最不平凡的一年。从年初深圳疫情爆发,到年中无锡,合肥疫情发生,再到年底池州疫情,华宇在四个城市五家工厂疫情静默管理期间,大家以身作责,带领职工驻厂,克服困难,为客户赶货,赢得客户信任。诠释了天道酬勤,厚德载物。 新的一年,我们要从以下方面抓高质量发展,抓业绩,抓投资,改善员工福利。 一、 以总经理为首的全面质量管理体系建设:利用利用系统和体系管理流程,推动企业高质量发展; 二、内控制度要再完善:从五个工厂全面实施优化企业经营管理制度与规范落实,让公司经营更顺,所有工作人员轻装上阵,责权利更清晰。 三、 大力创新与技术改造:提升芯片测试领域高端装备更新,车规级芯片成品与晶圆三温测试,12英寸大尺寸晶圆测试能力都需要大幅提升。在封装方面LGA、QFN、LQFP高脚位,BGA、FCBGA、FANOUT工艺需要积极研发投入与人才储备。大力对现有旧装备与工艺进行技术改造,确保技术、品质、效率符合当前市场竞争力。 四、 以质为本,忠于客户:2023年我们需要开拓一批优质客户,市场部要围绕高端封装系列产品开展揭榜挂帅行动,以市场牵头,触发研发导入,生产规模化。 五、 供应链合作能力提升:维绕SCM管理体系,以QCDS为管理基本法则,重点支持优质供应商,重点建立战略合作伙伴。 六、 员工福利提升:要始终做好引进人才,用好人才,留住人才,成就人才。完善华宇电子人力资源制度,让公司好口碑口口相传,每位同事做好对外形象的第一责任人。

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华宇电子与您相约 厦门ICCAD 2022

 12月26日,“中国集成电路设计业2022年会暨厦门集成电路产业创新发展高峰论坛(ICCAD 2022)”在厦门国际会展中心拉开帷幕。   华宇电子立足半导体封测产业链,用心深耕,形成了具有华宇特色的封测产业链,展台上吸引了众多客户及供应商驻足探讨! 在ICCAD 12月27日举办的先进封装与测试论坛上,池州华宇电子科技股份有限公司董事长彭勇以《探索集成电路先进封装发展新趋势》为题做了演讲,以先进封装现阶段的发展趋势以及华宇电子在先进封装领域取得的成果,华宇电子可为客户提供一站式、多元化、就近化、一体化的封装测试解决方案,为客户创造价值。

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Huayu Electronics appeared at the 2022 World Integrated Circuit Conference

On November 17, the 2022 World Integrated Circuit Conference, co-hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the People’s Government of Anhui Province, was held in Hefei, Anhui Province. Chizhou Huayu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. appeared at booth E1-0299. This grand event, with the theme of “win-win cooperation”, released the “2022 World Integrated Circuit Conference “Hefei Initiative”, advocating that the upstream and downstream leading enterprises of the global integrated circuit industry chain jointly maintain the resilience and stability

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Zhang Zhongmou: Manufacturing talent shortage It’s a fool’s game for the U.S. to increase domestic chip production

According to Taiwan media reports, TSMC founder Zhang Zhongmou said in a speech at the Brookings Institution, a US think tank, that the US to increase the production of domestic chips is expensive, wasteful and futile. He argues that the US chip industry does not have the talent pool it needs to expand and succeed. Mr Zhang said Taiwan’s large population was essential to TSMC’s success in wafer manufacturing. As professionals in the U.S. and elsewhere leave manufacturing, Taiwan’s talent

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Governor Wang Qingxian visited Chizhou Huayu Electronics for research

On the morning of April 9, Governor Wang Qingxian visited Chizhou Hisemi Electronics Co., Ltd. to investigate the company’s development and safety production management. Peng Yong, chairman and general manager of Chizhou Hisemi Electronics, accompanied and reported the work during the whole process. When investigating work safety, I first reported the responsibility system structure of chizhou Hisemi Electronic work safety, and the organization and operation of the actual work safety. Governor Wang Qingxian was very pleased to know that work

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Hisemi Electronics formally entered the “automotive chip sealing test” market

On March 31, 2022, organized and hosted by The Department of Economy and Information Technology of Anhui Province and jointly promoted by the Development and Reform Commission of Anhui Province, The Department of Science and Technology of Anhui Province and the Bureau of Economic and Information Technology of Hefei, the “core” and “car” collaborative special matchmaking meeting was successfully held in Hefei Crystal Collection. Chizhou Hisemi Electronic Technology Co., LTD., as a key enterprise in the chip packaging industry in

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The global semiconductor materials market reached a record $64.3 billion last year

A shortage of semiconductor parts hit auto and consumer electronics early last year, affecting many manufacturers as they ramped up production to meet strong demand and raise prices. Driven by the strong demand for semiconductor products, the demand for semiconductor materials also increased significantly, and the size of the global semiconductor materials market also expanded last year. According to SEMI, the global semiconductor materials market reached $64.3 billion in 2021, up $8.8 billion from $55.5 billion in 2020 and up

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Miit: continue to welcome global IC industry to increase investment in China and carry out various forms of cooperation

Tian Yulong, spokesperson for the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), said at a press conference of the State Information Office on Thursday that the global IC industry will continue to increase investment in China and carry out various forms of cooperation to jointly contribute to the stability of the global IC industry chain and supply chain. We will continue to provide favorable policies and market environment for domestic and foreign IC enterprises, treat all kinds of market players

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China’s semiconductor market share will rise to 17% in 2024, causing US and South Korea concerns

   According to the Report of the American Semiconductor Association, the total sales volume of Chinese semiconductor companies will reach 116 billion US dollars by 2024, and their market share will increase from 9 percent in 2020 to 17 percent, with a compound annual growth rate of 30 percent. Data show that China’s semiconductor industry continues to grow under pressure from the external economic environment. That worries the United States and South Korea. Unlike The growth of China’s semiconductor industry,

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